Global Goal 4 – Quality Education - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Dear Families,
Welcome back to the final half-term of the academic year. I hope that you all had a restful and relaxing half-term break. The summer term is always very busy in school, and June and July are especially busy.
We will be organising leavers’ activities, presentation assemblies, drama performances, residential visits and sporting events to name just a few events. As always, we are keeping fingers crossed that the weather is kind to us over the coming weeks to allow all of these activities to happen without delay.
It was really noticeable how smart everyone looked this week, so thank you all for your efforts with this! A reminder that when it gets warmer, please put sunscreen on your child before school, they will be allowed to wear sun hats and label everything!
We send good wishes to our Year 1 children on their upcoming phonics check and our Year 4 children for their Multiplication Check. We have to wait for the pass boundaries to be sent to us (again in early July) and these will be shared with families as soon as we can after this.
This half-term, we will be helping the children to prepare for the transition to the group next year, and we will be mixing classes from Year 1 to Year 5. You will be notified of your child's new class teacher and class name in your child's end of year report.
Sustainability Pledge - Triad Competition
Earlier this week, children from Key Stage 2 had an assembly from Jose who works with the charity 'TRIAD'. He explained the importance of trying to prevent wearable clothes, bags and linen being put out in the bins and ending up in landfills.
So, over the next few weeks, Belmont School will be asking for your help! If you have any unwanted clean clothing including shoes, linen, bags and curtains, please donate these items in clearly marked bags and leave them in the main office. Items must be washed and clean to be donated!
They will be coming to school on Friday 21st June at with a big van to collect what we can donate. Every item counts.
Please help us do our bit on our sustainability plan. Thank you.

Sustainability Pledge - 'YESfest'
Before the holiday, we had some of our Year 4 pupils attend Harrow School for 'YESFest'.
'YESfest' aims to give its delegates the knowledge, skills and, most importantly, the enthusiasm to go back to their community and make a positive difference to their part of the planet and be part of a national network - encouraged by an international network - of young people.
Here is a short presentation of what the pupils took part in, and we are looking forward to potentially having 6 pupils from the current Year 4 to attend the 'Eden Project' in the Autumn Term. More details to follow:
Thank you to Star 1 for kicking off this half-term's assembly with a wonderful interpretation of the book, 'Handa's Surprise'.
All the children were amazing, and we just want to say a big thank you to the staff, children and parents for putting on such a wonderful assembly!
Bringing Unhealthy Snacks into school
Recently we have seen an increase in families bringing in unhealthy snacks to school at the end of the day and part of after-school snacks.
We will not allow snacks on school site as they may contain allergens that are harmful to members of our school community. Therefore, we are requesting no unhealthy snacks such as juice, crisps, biscuits and sweet treats be brought onto the school site. If seen, the staff will ask you to put it away and take it home. So please do not bring these items on site.
Lego League Festival
On Wednesday, some pupils attended the Year 4/5 Lego League Festival. Pupils celebrated their achievements during Lego League, made their own medals out of Lego and celebrated together as a team at Ninja Warrior UK. They had so much fun and have come back with their well deserved medals and certificates of completion from Lego!

Outstandingly Happy Harrow School!
Children in Year 5 would like to share the following quote with you:

Do not forget that as a school we are all working in the 2% Mindset mode:

Belmont School's Summer Fair - Reminder
A reminder that our Belmont School Summer Fair will be held on Friday 28th June from 2.45-4.30pm.
Would you like your own stall at the fair?
We welcome parents/carers or local businesses to run their own stalls? The cost for a stall will be £30 for 1 table. To apply for a stall please fill out the Microsoft team's form below.
Please note, stalls will be allocated on a first come, first served basis, to ensure we have a balance of different types of stalls. Thanks for all your invaluable support!
Mud Kitchen - OPAL
We are really excited to have opened our mud restaurant as part of our OPAL play provision at lunchtimes! This is an excellent resource to support your children's imaginations and creativity and the children have loved exploring it! There are aprons to use if children would like them, but they may get a bit muddy as part of this play!
A big thank you to our wonderful site team for creating such a wonderful area for our children to explore.

A reminder to all parents/carers, that if you have any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to any member of staff on duty or email the school office via or by submitting your query on our virtual form found on our website ( We aim to respond to queries within 10 working days as outlined in our Positive Communication Policy, which can be found in the policy section on our website, where you will also find:
- Community Behaviour Policy
- Complaints Policy and Procedure
- Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints Policy
We look forward to seeing you all on Monday 10th June!
Have a lovely weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs P Aggarwall