Global Goal 4 – Quality Education - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Dear Families,
We are now at the end of the first month of the year and what an incredible start to the year it has been. We started the term with a sprinkle of snow, to end it now with a heavy dusting of rain! Can I remind all families to make sure that children come to school wearing the correct coat that is labelled with their full name.
UNCRC - Rights of a child
We are a recognised Gold School for respecting and supporting a curriculum for UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). It has come to our attention that some children are saying hurtful things to one another, particularly about race and gender.
I would like to remind families that, as a 'duty bearer', you are responsible for what children hear and see at home, and we would like for you to ensure that you are sharing kind words and messaging about diversity and inclusion across our school community.
We would like you to focus on Article 8:

In particular, all children's right to a name, nationality and family ties should be respected - one of our school values!
This means that, despite a person's nationality, name, race or family background, UNCRC recognises that they are an individual and has a right to be so.
We have had three amazing performances from 2 Sea, 2 Sky and 2 River! Well done to you all. Thank you staff for making the magic happen and our families for supporting your children! We cannot wait for the end of term Year 2 performance!
Family and Teacher Meetings
We will be sending out a letter next week for 'Family and Teacher Meetings' that will be held on Tuesday 11th and Thursday 13th February. Please do add these dates to your diary.
We are a Fit4Life Charter School
Every newsletter we will be sharing 'Family Pledges'. This newsletter we would like you to:

Try asking your children the following three questions:
- What made you smile today?
- What made you feel proud today?
- Rate your day on a scale from 1-10
You can also, asnwer these questions about your day too!

Outstandingly Happy Harrow School!
A special shout out to Esma's Mum and Dad for receiving a 'Belmont 2%er Badge'!
Our pupils have been learning more about living outside their zone of comfort and would like to share the following quote with you:

Do not forget that as a school we are all working in the 2% Mindset mode:

I look forward to handing out special badges to those in the wider school community who practice and spread the messages of joy and happiness! It might even be you!
We will be sending out the 'What's On' list, as well as the home learning and curriculum overviews that will include information on what your child will learn this term.
A reminder to all families, that if you have any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to any member of staff on duty or email the school office via or by submitting your query on our virtual form found on our website ( We aim to respond to queries within 10 working days as outlined in our Positive Communication Policy, which can be found in the policy section on our website, where you will also find:
- Community Behaviour Policy
- Complaints Policy and Procedure
- Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints Policy
Finally, we would like to wish a very Happy Chinese New Year!
Have a restful weekend!
Yours sincerely,
Mrs P Aggarwall