Global Goal 4 – Quality Education - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Dear Parents and Carers,
I cannot believe it is half-term already!
We would like to thank those of you who attended the virtual meetings. We have received positive feedback! If you did not manage to book or missed the appointment, please email the office who will liaise a suitable time for the class teacher to virtually meet or phone you.
We have a had a week of dressing up, from superheroes in Reception to the 'Express Yourself' Day today! With all of your donations, we were able to raise of £300 from the first count! We will update you with the final figure after the break.
We are all impressed with all the home learning that has been coming in, and we have seen a significant increase with pupil's knowing more and remembering more! Thank you parents for your ongoing support.
During the holidays we would like for you to continue reading and completing the maths challenges online, but why not mix it up by going to your local library and visiting one the museums in London.
We will be publishing the Spring 2 Home Learning after the holidays!
For those of you who book school lunches, we have an exciting new menu which will be going live from 21st February (See below). Please make sure you book the lunches in advance as usual.
All school run clubs will be running as usual after the half-term. We hope you have a restful break and see you when school reopens on Monday 21st February for ALL Pupils.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs P Aggarwall
Headteacher (Acting)