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Admissions Arrangements

School Admissions is often a very anxious time for parents. Our Admissions Officer is always available to talk about admissions both into Nursery and Primary School. If you need help and advice on what to do, please call the office for a chat or to arrange an appointment.

Admission to Nursery

Nursery admissions are managed directly by the school. To apply for a nursery class place, please contact the school direct for a nursery application form. The school will inform you directly if you have been offered a place in the nursery and when your child will start. You can contact us by phone on 0208 427 0903 or by email to

Apply for an in-year school place

If you need a school place for your child during the current school year (September to July), you will need to complete the in-year application form. You may need an immediate school place because you would like your child to change schools, or you have moved to Harrow during the school year.

Information on how to apply for an in-year school place with details of school admission arrangements for each school can be viewed in our:

Applications from families arriving from abroad, including the EU

In most cases, children arriving from overseas have the right to attend schools in England. It is the responsibility of parents to check whether their child has a right, under their visa entry conditions, to study at a school before submitting an application. 

View more information about applications for families arriving from abroad on the Government website


To submit an application for an in-year primary or secondary school place follow the information below:

Apply for an in-year school place

Receiving the outcome of your application

If a place is available at the school you would like your child to attend, you will be sent a letter offering you a school place. You will need to contact the school to accept the offer within 5 days. If we are unable to offer you a place at one of your preferred schools, and you live in Harrow, we will offer you a place at the nearest school with a vacancy.

School waiting lists 

If your child is not offered a place at the school of your first preference, they can be added to the school waiting list. This will be for all the other schools which you ranked at a higher preference than the school where you received an offer. Waiting lists are ranked in the priority given in the admissions arrangements. Places are offered from the waiting lists as they become available throughout the year. When you have submitted your application you can request for your child to be added to the list by emailing