TTRS Maths Day - 3rd December 2021
Times Table Rockstars Day
Dear Parents and Careers,
Belmont School are delighted to announce we will be celebrating Times Table Rockstars Day on Friday 3rd December.
On this day, students and staff are invited to come to school dressed as their favourite TT Rockstars character. There is no charge for this! It is purely for fun and to get children excited about using TT Rockstars!
You do not need to spend any money on outfits, jeans, t-shirts and a bandana will be fine.
During the day, children in Years 2-6 will get the opportunity to access the game in school and compete with their friends in class.
Children in Nursery and Reception will take part in various Maths activities and Year 1 will be exploring Numberbonds and Numbots.
Please visit our website for additional information about TTRS and Numbots:
We will also be setting TTRS and Numbots home learning which needs to be completed at home. We would appreciate your co-operation to ensure that your child successfully completes this.
We hope this will be a day to remember and will engage all children to use Times Table Rock Stars and Numbots both in and out of school.
We look forward to seeing you and your incredible rock star outfits!
Kind Regards,
Mrs Mckenzie
Maths Mastery Lead