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Permission and Consent Form - Belmont School

Dear Parents/carers,

We have digitised all our forms including our Permissions and Consent form.

You will need to complete a form for EACH child if you have more than one child in the school.

Please read and complete all sections . If you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to contact the school office on 0208 427 0903.

Yours sincerely,
The staff Belmont School

1. Publication of Photographs

Occasionally we may take photographs of the children at school. We use these images as part of our school displays and sometimes in other printed publications like the Early Years Learning Journeys and school sports updates. We will also use some on our school website.

To comply with data protection laws we need parents' permission before we can photograph or make any recording of their children. All parents are required to have completed a consent form and completed forms are kept centrally in the school office for reference.

Please click below to give your consent for permission to take photos for use in school (e.g. school documents, website, third party software which is used within school, journals, school MIS system, newsletters).

(Please Note: you may withdraw your consent for the processing of photographs at any time – this must be done in writing to the School Office.)

Select one of the following*

Please sign below to give your consent for permission to take photos to be seen outside of school (e.g local newspapers, magazines).

Select one of the following*

2. School Outing

A consent form is required by Harrow Council when children from school go on organised day, half day or shorter School Educational visits. This form will cover your child throughout his/her stay at Belmont School. Parents will be notified in advance of any visit, giving details of the centre to be visited, times of departure and return, together with details of arrangements. Very careful attention will be given to the detailed organisation of a visit, ensuring generous adult supervision of pupils.

Examples of local educational school visits are walking to local parks, shopping centres and the local library. Full day visits include trips to museums and parks. For visits where the children will travel by public transport or coach, a separate permission slip will be sent home with details of the trip. Alternatively you may be required to give your consent online via Pay Pal and you will be given details of how to do this. As you will understand, if we do not have written permission or online consent your child will not be allowed to go on any of these school visits.

Please click that you give your consent for your child below:

Select one of the following*

3. Medical Emergency

In the case of a medical emergency it may be necessary to take your child to hospital. It is not always possible to get in touch with parents although every effort will be made to contact you. If this is the case we need permission to take your child to hospital by ambulance. Your child would be accompanied by a member of the school staff. If urgent medical treatment is necessary and we are still unable to contact you we will pass your contact details on to the hospital/medical staff who will then deal with the situation.

Please click that you give your consent for your child below:

Select one of the following*

4. Internet Permission Form

As part of the schools ICT programme, we offer pupils supervised access to the Internet. Before being allowed to use the Internet, all pupils must obtain parental consent. This is kept as a record of your approval and their acceptance of the school rules.

We take stringent steps to guard against pupils having access to undesirable materials. We have purchased our Internet access from an educational supplier that operates a filtering system that restricts access to inappropriate materials. All our computers are in public view and access will be supervised.

Please click that you give your consent for your child below:

Select one of the following*

5. Behaviour for Success

I have discussed and agree to support the school in following Belmont Behaviour for Success.

Select one of the following*

6. Attendance Policy

I have discussed and agree to support the school in following Belmont Attendance Policy.

Select one of the following*

7. Parent Charter

I agree to follow the Parent Charter.

Select one of the following*

8. Home/School Agreement

Belmont School is a welcoming school where everyone is expected to follow Belmont goals and Beliefs in order that we have a positive partnership between home and school. This Home School Agreement sets out how we can all work together to make your child’s time at Belmont successful.

Belmont School

As a School will:

• Provide a safe and happy environment for all children that is supportive and promotes learning.
• Teach and promote The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
• Encourage children to do their best at all times.
• Teach and develop children’s wellbeing and mental to ensure that they are ready for the next stage of learning.
• Provide an appropriate curriculum to meet the needs of all children.
• Empower learners to strive to their full potential and embrace differences and achieve fulfilment.
• Achieve high standards of learning and behaviour by providing opportunities for children to develop positive social relationships, self-esteem and a sense of responsibility.
• Expect learners to follow our Behaviour for Success.
• Be open and welcoming and offer opportunities for parents to be involved in the life of the school.
• Keep parents/carers what will be taught each term.
• Provide online home learning to support pupil’s progression in and outside of school.


As a Parent/carer I will:

• Ensure that my child attends throughout each school term, and arrives on time.
• Ensure that my child wears the correct school uniform.
• Inform the school if their child is absent by telephone on first day of absence.
• Make the school aware of any concerns that might affect the child’s learning or behaviour as soon as they become apparent.
• Support my child with online home learning.
• Attend parents’ evenings about their child’s progress and school information evenings.
• Support and understand the agreement with Belmont Behaviour for Success.
• Respect all members of the school community, abiding by their policy of zero tolerance towards rude and aggressive behaviour
• We will support the school approach to online safety and not deliberately upload or add any images, video, sounds or text that could upset or offend any member of the school community.
• Ensure access to games and devices is restricted (particularly overnight)
• Ensure our children only have access to age-appropriate games
• Ensure my child gets enough sleep before school.
• Keep the school up to date on important family changes e.g. new addresses, contact details, phone numbers etc.
• Encourage my child to work to their best ability.
• I will follow the parent charter and promote rights for my child.

Pupils at Belmont

As a pupil I will:
• Follow Belmont Goals and Beliefs.
• Show Behaviour for Success.
• To talk and listen to all with respect and understand that I may not agree with some else’s opinion.
• Be proud of how I look and always wear my Belmont uniform.
• Come to school regularly and on time.
• Do my learning in school and at home as well as I can and ask for help when needed.
• Look after my school and surroundings
• Follow class charter and school rules that are in place to keep me safe
• Know that I can talk to any of the school staff about any concerns or worries that I have
• Try my best to be Stronger Together always.

Select one of the following*